Here we change again! YES! the market PACE has changed, but what does that mean, and how can it work for you?
The short answer is – Get Educated, learn how to interpret the data, and prepare for opportunity!
To help provide some clarity, let’s take a look at the market, by comparing data from 2 years ago to the current home sales data in the Tampa Bay Area.
Here is a look back at the data we collected in the August 2020 Market Update. We found that even though the PACE of the market has changed the number of sales have remained steady. The biggest difference we’ve found is the SPEED of Buying or Selling a home has returned to a more normal and sustainable pace.
Are Home Prices declining? Currently the data shows prices are no longer increasing at an unsustainable rate, and, there is also no indication of major shift in CLOSED sale price.
Opportunities are waiting! Avoid the “click bait” and read past the headlines.
We are here to help our clients understand how to INTERPRET the data, LOOK for the opportunities, and plan THEIR best course of action!
The real estate market changes don’t have to be intimidating when you’ve chosen the right team of professionals. Let us help make your Buying or Selling journey a successful and positive experience.
Want to learn more about how to find opportunities? Contact us for more details and we will get to work for you today!